Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gordy and the Grinder.

It gave Gordy goose bumps to watch the gray grinding machine growl as it grabbed whatever was given to it. He placed a gold star sticker against the grain of the grand granite counter top on which the gray grinder sat. Gordy got giddy when he got up enough gusto to get close to the gray grinder, Gosh!" Gordy grinned, as he gave it green gum drops which disappeared inside the grinder. Wanting to make the day even greater, Gordy sought more glamorous gifts to give the gadget. Sadly there was a ghastly glitch. Gordy got greedy. It was a trait all Grisbys shared and little Gordy Grisby got it too. Gordy got hungry and green gum drops are good when gas in your gut gets to growling. Gordy grabbed for a gum drop but the gray grinder grabbed Gordy instead. "Good God!" Gordy gasped as his hand got ground up on the gears along with those green gum drops he got from his grandpas garage on the corner of Gladstone and Gateway in the city of Gibbstown. When they got to him, green gunk was gushing from the grinder; a combination of gum drops and ground up Gordy. There is a lesson to be learned from Gordy's tale; parents keep an eye on your curious kids around things that could do them harm.

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